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Music Tuition 2024 - Guitar

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Music Tuition 2024 - Guitar
Dates of Event
9th September 2024 – 12th September 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
12th September 2025


Music tuition provided by LU Arts.

Do not book unless you have filled in the Expression of Interest form and confirmed a time with the relevant tutor. The form can be found here: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/arts/get-involved/tuition-classes/music-tuition/

Unless otherwise agreed with your tutor, you must select 8 hours for your first booking of the academic year. You can then top up with 2 or 8 hours at a time as agreed with your tutor.

Refunds are not available.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Student Rate (2 Hours)£54.00

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