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Sport Psychology Individual Consultation

Sport Psychology Individual Consultation


Individual consultancy (50 mins) – These sessions will form part of the planned work following the initial consultation assessment.

These sessions will form part of the planned work following the initial consultation assessment. There will be an opportunity to reflect on previous sessions and strategies that have been implemented, develop new skills that will enable you to respond to inner experiences (e.g., thoughts, feelings, sensations and memories) in the most adaptive way.

Please contact the Loughborough Applied Psychology Service Team on sportpsychology@lboro.ac.uk or contact a practitioner directly by going to https://www.lboro.ac.uk/schools/sport-exercise-health-sciences/postgraduate-taught/employability/laps/laps-team/ to arrange your appointment before purchasing an item. 

Rates available:

Standard price - £45

Discount for performance programme athletes - £29.70

Discount for Loughborough students & staff - £36

Scottish Archery Pathway (arch-path) - £40
Please email sportpsychology@lboro.ac.uk with your membership number. 

Scottish Archery Member (arch-mem) - £42
Please email sportpsychology@lboro.ac.uk with your membership number. 

Please forward proof of purchase via email to the practitioner you have booked a session with.
